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Monday, September 11, 2023

Laborfest 2023

On Labor Day, despite temperatures in the mid-90s Fahrenheit , Junie and I went down to the Summerfest grounds to visit Labor Fest.

Our first activity was to play the musical fountains outside the Summerfest grounds but I did not think of taking a picture of that. That's a shame cuz it was actually a lot of fun. Once inside the festival grounds the heat was pretty darn incredible and the sparse population reflected that. We quickly got  some ice cream - black cherry for me, double chocolate for Junie

We wandered over to the Miller Light stage to listen to a band from the comfort of the severely limited shade available. I felt bad for the musicians as there were only a dozen or so people listening to them, but again that was because of the heat. In fact my ice cream cone melted so quickly, even in the shade, that I wound up having to throw more than half of it away. 

Then we grabbed some free popcorn courtesy of Local 139 and went and sat along the lakefront where a cool breeze and some shade made for some wonderful accommodations.

The seagulls made quite a beautiful sight as well, floating just overhead.

We sat there at the lake for quite a while and I must say I wish I could bottle the perfection I felt in those moments. Afterwards we attempted to go get a slice of pizza for lunch and so bought a prepaid card (no cash was accepted on the grounds but there was a booth where you could exchange cash for a prepaid Mastercard).  Alas it did not work at the restaurant and I didn't give enough F's to go through it all again. 

So I gave the card to Junie to buy herself a new Olivia Rodrigo shirt at Target, where we stopped after the festival (and after a trip to Walmarts pharmacy)

Heat wave be danged, it was a good time and we had fun together. 

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