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Tuesday, September 19, 2023

The Closing of the Downer

There's been some pretty lousy local news tonight. The 108 year old Downer Theatre, Milwaukee's oldest extant movie theater, has shut its doors.

For most of my adult lifetime the Downer has primarily shown artistic films with limited mainstream appeal. 

There's already some talk that the Milwaukee Film Festival will purchase the building, but as far as I know that's internet rumor and I don't know if there's anything to it. They already own and operate the nearby Oriental Theater, and I doubt they care to run a competitor located that close.

As to the Downer: I can't say I went there often but I do have a very specific memory of watching  Val Kilmer in the John Holmes bio Wonderland with Lisa in 2003, and slipping out into the lobby to take a call from Ray bragging to me that the Yankees had lost the World Series.

Goodbye Downer. You had a heck of a run.

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