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Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Titanic: The Musical

Last Thursday Lisa picked me up from work and we headed out to Fort Atkinson, about an hour from work/90 minutes from home,  to see Titanic: The Musical at the Fireside Theater.

Lisa tried both "The Grand Staircase" and "The Wheelhouse." She didn't get past the first sip or two of the former, and I drank most of the latter. 

On Thursday's the dinner is a buffet, but starts with a salad served at your table. 

I clearly overdid it with the protein, but both the selection and the flavors were wonderful. 

Dessert was a disappointment. Chocolate creme brulee that tasted like cake batter and no crunch to the surface. Fail. 

For the show itself a first: balcony seats.

The view was spectacular. 

We knew nothing of the musical before the performance, but both the inventive set design and the stellar voices of the ensemble cast deserve praise here. The music is great, but I'm not a fan of some of the historical myths that it propagated: it demonizes Ismay, paints Smith as a frail man eager to please, and completely emasculates Murdoch. 

Anyway, you don't go to a musical for the history, right? 

As a musical, it was worth every penny. And as a date, it was the bomb. 

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