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Thursday, September 7, 2023

Gooodbye to Southgate and Showtime

Yesterday was the last day of operation for three Marcus theaters, two of them in the Milwaukee area. To my knowledge, it has more to do with Covid-era changes than any fallout from the current Hollywood strike. 

Southgate, pictured above, was where Lisa and I first saw Titanic on its opening night in 1997, and many other films over the years. In the last decade or so it had become a little wild for my taste, and so we had moved on to Southshore, but we still occasionally saw a film there. 

Showtime, another casualty, was a bit of a drive but once it was absorbed by Marcus and became a budget priced showhouse, it became my go-to with the kids every Monday night in the pre-Covid years. 

Unfortunately, after Covid Marcus made it a first-run, full price theater again. That was a curious call, since it lacked the Dreamlounger seating of other showhouses and was forevermore the odd man out. Even so, I saw John Wick 4 there with LuLu earlier this year. 

I enjoy the experience of watching a film on the big screen, in the presence of a full room of people. I cringe when I hear of theaters closing, and I hope this is the last of the losses for the near future. 


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