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Tuesday, September 12, 2023

On Aaron Rodgers injury and the moral failure of (too many) Wisconsinites

I don't think Wisconsin is hick or hillbilly or whatever other pejorative haters use to describe my home state. Granted, I'm from Milwaukee, which is hardly typical of what is a largely rural state, but still - Bleep the Haters. 

But I have to admit, the reaction here to Aaron Rodgers' season (and possibly career) ending injury in his first game in NY made me a little ashamed of my fellow Wisconsinites.

 While the rest of the NFL fandom, even those down in Chicago, were publicly reacting with well wishes and regret, here in Wisconsin local Facebook posts were filled with laugh-reacts and utter bulllshit. 

Bullshit like "I called it! He's always getting injured and leaving his team high and dry. He's a carton of eggs."

Really? Odd that he played 230 games for the Pack, (223 as a starter from 2008-2022), which breaks down to 14.5 games a year. 

Yeah, she responded, but he liked to play hurt and and sucked for the last five years. 

Well, Thats' so doofus-y it was barely worth responding to, but WTF lady, he earned back to back MVP's when you say he "sucked."

She did not reply again. 

Now, obviously there were plenty of people who thought/said the right things, and even more who didn't feel the need to comment in the first place. 

But then there were: 


Sweet Little Drama Queen 


So glad you left the Pack

Maybe the Aliens he saw can fix him

The man gave you 15 seasons as a starter, a Super Bowl victory, multiple MVP's, and frankly, was often the only reason we were a marquee team.  And this is how you treat him? 

This is how you treat ANY human being that is injured so severely they may never play again? 


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