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Wednesday, January 16, 2008

AngelCakes Surgery

Last week, through the gracious use of Lisa's check, we had our cat AngelCakes spayed, declawed, and at my insistence microchipped.

She was gone for a day and returned last Friday. She got through it much better than Billy did. When he came back 10 years ago his paws were bloody and he walked like an old man for days. Angel seems to have had no lingering effects, I'm sure due to her youth, although she is a bit more lethargic of late.

When she came home Billy, for the first time ever, let her eat first. Usually she has to wait her turn, but this time it was right to the front of the line and he licked her back the whole time she ate.

That night it was straight back to sleeping in YaYa's room. In the pics above she's borrowing the baby's Bumbo seat. She also enjoys the baby swing.

She's been a great addition to our family and I'm glad the girls rescued her back in 2006.


Anonymous said...

Love the pictures, and it was nice that billy let her eat first..


Anonymous said...

What a stunning cat.  Does she have her hearing?  Many white cats are deaf.  Nice that you are a responsible owner, having her spayed and microchipped.  As for de-clawing, that is never done here in England.  If the cat got into a fight it would be unable to defend itself.  If it fell and got trapped it would not be able to claw its way out.  Like I said, it is never done here, our vets would all refuse.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful Cat! I'm always delighted to hear someone has rescued a cat or dog, rather than going by way of a pet store. I run a wanna-be shelter now for cats. I say wanna-be as I can only do so much. I pay out of pocket with no donations to have a cat fixed, all the shots and food.

The irony is I live on a dead end street, with 7 lots of wooded area that are mine. People tend to drive up and toss their cats like throw a-way trash. I think I have a sign on my home that is invisible to anyone but cats, that says safety can be found here , Welcome! To date I have 2 feral cats that need to be captured and spayed (crossing fingers the funding comes before either end up with a litter). Just in the past two weeks alone I have 2 more full grown cats show up one a male that obviously hasn't been nuetered. The other came around in the past few days. The last breaks my heart......

She's a white combo spotted cat. Obviously an older cat that used to have a loving home at one time. She's declawed....there is no way she can survive outside and defend herself , she can't even climb a tree to get away from danger. Her pink collar is tight on her neck, meaning someone hasn't paid that close attention to her in awhile. When I catch her, I'll bring her inside with my 4 cats (all of whom at one time were throw-aways) and remove the collar to see the damage....

I know long story.....Thank you for every cat you have rescued....(Hugs) Indigo

Anonymous said...

Ohhhh the pictures remind me of my dearly departed white cat Puff.  She was such a sweetie, loved to be in the pocket of my bathrobe as a kitten when I was getting kids off to school back in the late 1970's.  She finally got too big for that and would sit on a chair in the kitchen watching all the activity, knowing that once the kids were out the door, she'd have me all to herself.  I think they declaw a little differently now, when my current cat (Gabi) had hers done, you could barely tell she'd had anything done. Linda in Washington state

Anonymous said...

I thought I'd toss in a link to these pics of our other cat Billy.

Note the pic of Smiley as a baby - my God did he have a round face at that moment!


Anonymous said...

man i wish i had your vet...ours wouldn't declaw and now they're too old :(  my poor furniture.  she's a cute one :)

Anonymous said...

Very cute!