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Sunday, January 6, 2008

The Inaugural 2008 SleepOver

One of YaYa's friends was in need of a babysitter for Friday and somehow it morphed into a large sleepover. Representing YaYa: Anna, AnnaBelle, Sophia. For LuLu: Amelia.

Friday afternoon Lisa took them sledding at South Shore while I watched Smiley and the baby.

Her's Sophia's Mom:

I believe YaYa is in the pink.

Later that night we watched Meet the Robinson's (an impressive Disney flick - Keep Moving Forward!) then bunked down for the night. There were some issues with kids afraid of the dark, but all in all it went smooth.


In the morning, waffles

Once some of the kids left we packed up the rest and went to Home Depot for the monthly kids craft project. This month was a hit - a princess castle bank - and so the line was super long (in fact, a verbal argument with open threats of physical violence erupted when someone tried to skip in line)

At any rate it was too long of a wait so I asked someone at the store to sneak some of the projects out to me. Later, when the rest of the kids went home and Lisa was at work (and after I made a great dinner of steak and potatoes that the kids ignored) I helped them put the projects together.

[note both Smiley's physique and the 40 Christmas cards we received, after sending out 55 (and having several returned for wrong addresses). Not a bad return on our investment.]


Anonymous said...

Love the pictures, sounds like a great day with lots of fun....More work that I could have done... those kids are lucky...


Anonymous said...

I swear that was not me in Home Depot! HA! Not this time! :-) Steak & potatoes??? Nope don't you know kids & animals are never impressed with the expensive stuff...just cheap mac & cheese! HA! Like my store bought toys for my babies...they would rather have the caps from the non-aerosol bottles to chase after & carry in their mouths! HA! Hey...I didn't even get my cards out so...Sounds like fun...I need to that...monthly project! Thanks for the idea!