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Sunday, January 13, 2008

MLB Obscenity Document - LANGUAGE WARNING

 I warn you: this is not for sensistive ears and not for kids.

This is a link to a document offered by an auction house (Robert Edwards). It's an official 1898 Major League Baseball document warning players to clean up their speech on the field and listing - in plain blue language - examples of it's abuse.

"You ***** eating b*****d"

"Go **** yourself"

"I'll make you suck your ***"

"A dog must have ****** your mother when she made you"


The document purports that such language was openly and intentionally spoken within the earshot of ladies in the stands.

The words comes as no real suprise to me given the rough and tumble nature of baseball at the close of the 19th century (McGraw's Orioles anyone?) but it's shocking that the league would put such things in print.

Even they must have known it was a shocker: the bottom of the document reads "Unmailable - must be forwarded by express"

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