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Monday, January 28, 2008

Where's an editor when you need one?

From an AP article on the 2008 State of the Union address, written by Terence Hunt. The emphasis is my own:

"Bush made only one mention of Osama bin Laden, who remains at large more than seven years after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001 . . . "

Bear in mind that the last time I checked it was January 27th of 2008, nearly 8 months shy of the attack's seventh anniversary.

My intention here isn't political, and I know mistakes happen. I just find it amusing that an elementary school math error could slip past a professional journalist and his various editors.


Anonymous said...

Oh but don't you see...

He used the War to take everyone's attention off the economy and then look what the economy is a problem & he knows people are aware so he is using the economy to take our attention off the War! At least "his people" are no so dumb & really working it! And I am being can this man sleep at night knowing he will leave history with the lowest approval rating of all presidents. What a legacy...what to do to a family name. I mean I think with 30 some % approval that is some republicans unhappy also!

Anonymous said...

Well, obviously we fundamentaly disagree on GWB, so we approach it from vastly different POV's, but . .  

I think with Dubya you have to anticipate low numbers as part of the package - there will always be scores of people who hate him, regardless of what he does or doesn't do, and because of this the numbers are more irrelevant than with any politician in memory. Not that I wouldn't like approval ratings in the 60's, but the man could be Lincoln-Washington-FDR all in one and I don't think he'd crack 50%.

I would worry more about the incredibly low numbers for the current Congress. I'm glad they caved in as often as they did, but if I were a Democrat I'd feel a whole lot of dissapointment and anger towards Pelosi and the failed efforts to turn the corner on issues they felt they were voted in on, like Iraq and the economy.

I tend to view the economy as cyclical and don't give a lot of credit or blame to a President on the subject. Beyond inspiring confidence or shooting it to pieces (Carter) what can they truly do? And if anything, the current economic situation is due in large part to the vast numbers of home loans that once drove the economy. Since that insane rush of shaky mortgage lending allowed me to purchase my home, I'm not going to b**ch about it.