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Sunday, January 27, 2008

My Wife's Artwork for Catholic School's Week 2008

Catholic Schools Week begins Monday and my wife, as room mother for both of my daughters' classes, had the responsiblity of decorating their classroom doors. She had to make sure to work in the theme of  "Catholic Schools Light The Way"

Here's LuLu's door:

Each of the paper dolls is dressed in 'clothing' crafted from fabric scraps my sister Katie donated to Lisa. They each also hold a candle in their hands to 'light the way' - the candle being a string of white battery-operated christmas lights Lisa bought for the project.

YaYa's door features an idea I came up with, the use of fireflies:

Because this one was in some part my idea, in concept if not execution, I include a second photo.

Each of the fireflies features one of the before-mentioned lights on their behind.

A heck of a job - kudo's to the Mrs. Here's hoping the kids remember some of what she did for them years down the road.

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Anonymous said...

Well you have to give credit where credit is due and I must share that Molly (My daughter's classmate Maura's mom) executed your firefly idea beautifully, I only did the other "road" one for Olivia's class. These did turn out cool tho, and it was a lot of fun doing! My neice Stacey and I really bonded when we made the little people together, almost in silence, for hours! Not to mention Grace and Sophia (Grace's close friend) helping me color and glitter up fireflys for their door. Good times...Glad you liked em hun, Love ya, the Mrs xoxo

Anonymous said...

Spreading credit is great and noble, but I know it was you that colored those fireflies one by one and cut each one out (and found them online in the first place). You bought the lights, had the words printed out, etc.

Someone else then took the project and put it on the door, and did it far better than I could have, but it was still your doing.


Anonymous said...

What alovely idea Dan.  I have never heard of it being done over here. I like both designs..dare I take sides ?  Lulu's wins  I just love these little dressed children !  have a good week  Sybil x

Anonymous said...

I'm glad I stopped by today.  What a lovely concept and a great way of utilising the fairy lights too.
I loved the firefly idea and would have liked to have seen them in situ.
I've only seen fireflies once in my lifetime, down by the lake, and I found them fascinatingly breathtaking.
To littlies these must have seemed as good as the real thing.
Enjoyed this visit...thanks to you your wife and all the craft helpers. <smile>

Anonymous said...

Great ideas both!  And yes, the kids will remember pretty much all of what she has done for them through the years (you too).  She'll forget before they do.  :)

Anonymous said...

Our friend Darlene found the lightning bugs online......keep up here Danny! But thanks again. Also, to one of your posters....I'm saddened that you've only seen lightning bugs once! You should visit Milwaukee during the summer and truly enjoy them in ABUNDANCE. My kids just love the way they light up the summer nights.

Anonymous said...

Love the ideas, and the lights were a great idea...Read the comments they were great too...

Waiting to hear what the school, and the children say about the doors on Monday. :)


Anonymous said...

wow...she's awesome.
and yeah..they'll remember it.  I remember the one my mom did for my CCD class with our hand and footprints.


Anonymous said...

Ok now that's just too precious!  Hugs and pats for Mom!  Sweet, sweet memories...;)  C.