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Monday, January 7, 2008

A silly little memory

Here's two blurry pics (taken in the ever-useless 'night' mode of my Kodak) and one computer lightened photo. All of them are mementos of a very neat day I spent with the kids in the week before Christmas.

You see, I never thought of taking down the trampoline for the winter. Then YaYa mentioned to me that the trampoline canvas was sinking and about to touch the ground.

Three feet of snow will do that.

So we piled out there and spent a good hour clearing it off, with the girls taking deep pride in removing blocks of ice, the bigger the better their boast.

A silly little memory, but I enjoyed it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OH MY GOODNESS! YIPES! Did it all melt now? We had 66 today & now bad Thunderstorms!