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Saturday, January 12, 2008

Packers 42 Seattle 20 and Much Misc.

Without question today's Packer victory was one of the most memorable Packer games I've ever seen.

It starts off on a clean field free of snow.

It starts with Ryan Grant, the Pack's running back, fumbling twice.

It starts with Seattle scoring a TD off of each fumble.

Then, so unlike the Favre of ten or even five years ago, the old man approached a14-0 deficit with the calm of a seasoned Zen master.

And so . .

It ends in a blizzard with the field covered in slush.

It ends with that very same Ryan Grant rushing for 201 yars and 3 TD's.

It ends with Seattle flying home with yet another road playoff defeat.

Man, it was great.

Two wonderful images: Brett Favre tossing a snowball on the field and Holmgren and Hassleback losing their cool to the officials over perceived 'holds'.

And a great play: Favre nearly sacked on a 3rd and 6, leaving the pocket and stumbling, barely able to keep his balance. Right before it seems like he'll fall over he tosses a quick little shovel pass for the 1st down. How great was it to see his own joy over the play!

A thing of beauty - if it's on YouTube I'll post it here. Update: here ya go!


And now, the first NFC Championship game for the Pack in ten years!

* * * *

I picked up an incredibly obnoxious 56" flatscreen HDTV in December (2nd hand) and while I regretted the purchase for a few days, I've grown to love the thing with all my dear little heart. The wife hates it - to be sure, it is too large for our smallish living room and clashes with the decor - but ah, the view!

Note the "we've got jobs at the supermarket" episode of the Suite Life of Zack and Cody. We continue to measure time here in 'Zack and Cody's'.

A half hour wait is one 'Zack and Cody' whereas if it's two hours until bedtime it's 'four Zack and Cody's'.

Not a bad show by the way. I enjoy it. Beef it up a bit to be less Gilligan's Island-ish and it could run on network TV, IMHO.

Love 'The Meanager' nickname for Mr. Moseby, the hotel manager.

* * * *

Quote of the Day: LuLu and Smiley watched some of the game with me, with Lu asking some questions, probably more because she was bored than actually interested.

When the usual Fox graphics appeared she momentarily wigged out.

"I'm scared of foxes!" she said.

A) no she's not, far as I know and B) I think it was all a plain acting job designed for her to look cute.

It worked :)

* * *

I gave the kids a good dinner tonight and I am overly proud. Baked all-white chicken nuggetts and fries, not the healthiest granted, but a side salad , glass of milk, and a clementine too.

[I even got them to brush their teeth, which Lu hates. (tho' she's never had a cavity, and brushing fan YaYa's had a few]

Lu loves salad, and always has, so that's no big deal. Smiley's picking up the habit, and good for him.

From Day One Lisa always said that even if we adults eat pure cra*  the kids should have a vegetable and fruit at every single meal. (with veggies NOT being defined as corn or peas). Even our McDonald's Happy Meals are ordered with Apple Dippers in place of fries 90% of the time.

Our private quote: "if they wanna be fat, they can do it on their own after 18, but not on our watch"

* * * *

A little alarmed today: I received a big notice from my student loan saying I would soon (and I mean VERY soon) be in default because I 'failed' to provide requested income data.

A) I signed a form allowing them to pull the info from the IRS months back, only to have them claim the IRS was unable to find records. Last I checked I'm not a migrant worker and my checks are gouged by the government, so there should be records. But .

B) in response I signed, and my wife co-signed, another document purporting to fufill this requirement. For whatever reason, despite the fact I personally stamped and mailed this, they are acting like I've been dodging them.

All this is crazy, as a payment isn't even DUE, much less defaulted on, but allegedly I get this 3rd round of paperwork in their hands by next week or cut them a check for roughly 1/3 the total cost of my home.

Note they only pull sh(t like this around the time of your income tax, so they can make you dance and sully yourself in fear of having that return garnished . .

Ugh. Life is hard.

* * *

My first documented attempt to better myself and keep my 2008 resolutions: I was a pure ass to the deli counter guy this past Thursday. I mean, I wasn't overtly mean, but I had an edge about me and I gave him a glare or two and walked away feeling a little dirty.

So today I took LuLu there [pardon the interruption, but it wassample day: she got ice cream, chocolate milk, granola bars, and pizza. Saved me from buying her lunch]. I went up to the deli counter and apologized, half thinking he wouldn't even remember me.

Well, I must have made quite the impression because he cheerfully wrote off part of my actions on account of 'work calling you a few times while you were ordering."

You know what? Until that moment I didn't even remember that work had called me.

How big of an ass had I been for him to remember that?

But at least I made the effort to make amends and my conscience is clear.

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