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Monday, January 7, 2008

My Gals

Here's two pictures of the girls as they appeared for the Christmas concert at their school. Maybe I mentioned it before, but I saw the rehearsal, whereas Lis attended the concert itself.

Lis, if you remember what songs they each sang, please leave the info in the comments section (I know Lu did the Russian dance).

You might notice the flood of entries this evening; I have forgone my big screen TV and BCS title game (gasp!) to give Lisa a little time of her own in front of the TV. Don't worry - I'll have her make it up to me :)


Anonymous said...

Very cute & very nice of you!

Anonymous said...

That bottom pic of the girls looking so naturally beautiful, and Parker looking at them in admiration.....warms the heart. He loves his family so much, loves being right in the middle of his chaotic but loving surroundings. I hope he always remembers those good feelings. I don't remember what the girls sang, just missed the first grade classs singing "all I want for Christmas" and can't believe how long they were expected to stay still during their "play", craziness. And who could forget Olivia moving farther and farther forward to insure her place in front of the entire class, LOL.