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Wednesday, June 24, 2009

On two fools: one confirmed (Gov. Sanford) and one suspected (Brett Favre)

I've just read a note on Facebook that says Favre has signed with the Vikings. No confirmation yet, but if the bum has gone full Judas you can expect a post here tonight.

* * * *

In other news, South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford, ye who went off grid for a week, then resurfaced saying he was hiking the Appalachian Trail, has confessed: he was actually in Argentina visiting his extra marital lover.

What a knob.

Forget all the talk about how he's blown a run for the Presidency in 2012; IMHO he was too flaky to have had a serious shot at the job. No, my concern lies with his family, who spent Father's Day sans Dad as he bonked his girlfriend, and the people of South Carolina who now have to figure out what to do with the moron.

To me, it's all crazy. I mean actual 'get on some meds' crazy. You're the Governor and you decide to vanish from the state, without word to anyone, and leave the continent to get some tail. After a week you return, make up a goofy story that was doomed to fall apart as soon as airline records leaked, and then go all sobby-sob to the press. That isn't normal. It just isn't.

And to those who will jump on this and gloat that the party of 'family values' has failed again: I'm afraid I'll never agree, any more than I'll understand the need to disparage any attempt to promote positive values. There is no harm and plenty of good in aiming for an ideal, be it 'get married before you have a baby', 'don't cheat on your spouse', or 'don't break the bleepin' law'. If you don't hold those ideas dear, fine, I know of no law that says you have to; but don't knock people who do.

Those who stumble are not a discredit to the idea, but simply a testament to the persistent failings of human nature.

Or in the case of Sanford, of a need for some f'ing Xanax and a shrink.


Yunus Wajdi Gonzalez said...

What are republicans doing? I really wished that they would get the s--- together. As a part of the left I am worried that if things continue like this people will vote for democrats despite whatever platforms they have. Sure they maybe stupid but at least they're not crazy.

jeanne said...

I agree with Yunus and loved your blog. Gov. Sanford should be on meds, and I heard for sure that Brett will be in purple. I feel like I have been betraded. So, sad that he went purple. Have a great day and stay cool

Slapinions said...

Quoted from The Maverick Conservative, in a post responding to a comment of mine (used w/ permission)

"We KNOW why Republicans get less leewaly [than Democrats caught in affairs]. That is entirely the nuclear hypocrisy of the mainstream media, which wannts to turn even the misconduct of a teenage daughter (evil as the mainstream media is) into an "hyocrisy" issue against a Repubican. Is it "hypocristy" to simply not be able to live up to your own princiiples--as distinguished from the intellectual DISHONESTY of David Letterman and the mainstream media? Npe. It MAY be, if those are really not your principles. But people are WEAK. That is the entire basis of the Chirstian religion, and the doctrine of Oringinal Sin. So I reject the idea that Republicans are more "hypocritical" than Democrats to argue for "family values", and yet prove to be humanly weak. However, there is no doubt hey are STUPID, because they know they will be held to a higher standard than Democrats."

Ken Riches said...

Funny thing is that he was found out five months ago, and still decided to have another fling. Like you said, what a knob :o)

The Lam said...

I read the story on Yahoo news and thought it was such a wacky story.

Anonymous said...

I agree completely.

Bridgett said...

The political party matters not at all to me...the fact this fellow felt it was okay to leave the country to 'do' his lady friend, especially over Father's Day weekend, is what I find disturbing.

I haven't heard anythign about Favre though...