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Tuesday, June 23, 2009

A kind of sad, melancholy post this fine early Tues AM

Er, before I get emails saying "Where's the movie post?" - I deleted the review that posted around 1am this morning. It wasn't supposed to run until later in the year, and so I rescheduled it to correct for the error.

* * * *

In the early AM on Friday Milwaukee was hit by torrential rain and many areas flooded, including my lovely basement. It wasn't too bad this time, maybe an inch, inch and a half in parts, but I called into work the next morning to complete the cleanup, something I've done only twice this decade.

I think I have the source of the water now pegged. When we bought the house the basement featured a dirt and cobblestone floor (you read that right - mainly dirt with the occasional brick tossed in). Now the basement is wall to wall concrete. Except . . . I realized that the area under the basement stairs, which is hidden by a wood wall, still has the original flooring. That *seems* to be the entry point for the water. I'll have to attack that area soon, as I'd like to actually enjoy a summer storm for once.

Saturday was ok, and I worked most of the day anyhow. Lisa took Smiley and Ginger to Foxbrook lake and spent the day there, enjoying the sun and the water. The only real bad news? My car overheated.

Sunday was Father's Day, and I got my wish for quiet, but in the end I wasted it (by my own choice) doing nothing more constructive than watching Band of Brothers. Today I shelled out $225 for a brake repair job on the van, $225 I don't have to spare. Oh, and my central air seems to have taken a dump, just as temperatures in Milwaukee finally reach summer norms.

But other than that, and you know, thinning hair/obesity/poverty/Democrat in the White House, all is well.

In the rare good news department, I've gotten an assignment from the Journal to write a column at the start of July. Yay me.

Alright, enough of this pityfest. I'll be back with happy thoughts tomorrow.


jeanne said...

Water in the basement, cars not working well, gee, I just don't know what to say, I know you need to vent, and not all is ok, but you seem to take everything that God gives you with a smile, even a small smile. You are really a great person. Keep hinging in there and things do get better.

Bridgett said...

Overall, life doesn't sound too bad. Frustrating yes...but I think frustration is the norm most days anyway. :)

And a column? WooHoo! Congratulations, D.

Estela said...

The BEST Mother's Day "gift" I've ever received was the year Paul took the kids away for the day. I had the whole day to sew quilts without feeling "mommy guilt". And there were folks actually blasting Mr. Obama for going golfing on Father's Day.. "he wasn't with his FAMILY on FATHER'S DAY!" is the complaint I kept hearing. Well... I say... Father's Day should be observed the way DAD wants to observe it. :)