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Friday, September 5, 2008

Beneath - A Review


In Beneath Nora Zehetner plays a young woman who as a youth was responsible for the fiery accidental death of her sister. Haunted by images of her sister clawing at her closed casket and plagued a history of (perceived) mental illness, she returns to visit her estranged family. Her niece claims a 'Dark Thing' in the walls is responsible for deaths in the family, and in the labyrinth that is their family home a terrible secret might dwell . . .

Beneath is  MTV's first foray into the horror market (yes, I know. MTV. I almost shut off the DVD the moment I saw the logo on the screen.). It's not a bad movie. Nothing terribly original, but on the other hand nothing overly cliche. Well, excepting the traumatized young woman with the scary visions; been there, done that.

If you go into it with the right mindset the ending is a legitimate twist, although my suspicious nature jumped to the right conclusion a few minutes ahead of the mark. There is one thing - the action of the niece - that makes the finale a little morally troubling, but overall a positive effort.

Oh, and not too bloody or gory, save for one scene of the burn victim. Suitable for viewing by tweens and older.

2.75 out of 4, 68 out of 100.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmm, sounds like a pretty decent horror flick, one worth watching. I'll keep an eye peeled for it!
