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Wednesday, September 3, 2008

YaYa's Harley Kool-Aid Stand

The end of August featured a massive Harley rally in Milwaukee to celebrate the iconic company's 105th birthday. For days the streets were packed with riders and the familar rumble of Harley pipes echoed across the Brew City. How big was the party? Of the 100,000 bikers that hit the city I had more than 200 bikes in my parking lot at work, and my neighbor at home hosted five or six bikers himself. The Foo Fighters and Bruce Springsteen were brought in to entertain the troops and there were festival areas set up all over town.

It was a heck of a party.

It meant long hours at work, but many of the expected logistical hassles failed to materialize. We'd all joked about wishing we could retire before the event, but in the end it was actually fun; busy, chaotic, and energetic.

There'll be another post about the girls trip to the Harley parade, but here's a few pics Lisa took of YaYa's entrepreneurial spirit.

As we live on a decently busy street she set up a Kool-Aid stand and advertised free drinks for any and all Harley riders, 50 cents for everyone else. Well, she hit gold. Bikers scooped up a bunch of her drinks  - and left behind $8 in tips.

Oh, and here's a shot of YaYa in an all too familiar 'someone else is sharing my limelight' pose. If you watch Jon and Kate Plus Eight you'll recognize Maddie as a cross between YaYa and LuLu.


Anonymous said...

I don't watch that show, but I had to laugh at that last picture! Yikes, that's one heck of a LOOK!

I heard the Harley rally was huge, and quite the event. Sounds like a blast, although noisy. Good for YaYa for working it and making some moolah!


Anonymous said...

Good on the kids taking the chance to get a few dollars !!  Must have been quite a sight all these gorgeous bikes.  Mary my friend's niece up in Edinburgh has always wanted a Harley...chances of having one.....nil....but she can dream.
Have a good weekend ahead. I am off up to near London for a couple of days to see a minster friend welcomed into her new church.   Love Sybil x

Anonymous said...

Cool stand for a hot summer weekend.  I'll bet it was quite a sight-all those Harleys!
                                                                                          :)  Leigh

Anonymous said...

My sister's boyfriend is a Harley guy... we stopped at just about EVERY Harley store on our route to buy him a t-shirt.  Just thought I'd mention that... oh and the store in Savanah is said to be haunted.   Estela

Anonymous said...

YaYa is one smart cookie.  Good for her.  Biker's (and most everyone else) would be drawn to the cute little girl offering free drinks to the group.  Way to go and great pix.
Hugs, Joyce

Anonymous said...

Don't laugh...our economy keeps going to pot & they may have to set up that stand more often. Good training ha! That look will really work on a guy later. ha!

Anonymous said...

Free drinks for bikers - Brilliant :o)

Glad there were some good tips involve.

I shuddered at the "Look" <LOL>