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Thursday, September 18, 2008

Wanted: Tickets to the (Iowa) Winter Dance Party Feb '09

I've written about it here before. Since 1987 I've wanted to spend the 50th anniversary of Buddy Holly's death in Clear Lake, Iowa, the site of his fatal plane crash. Don't ask me why a 13 year old kid thought like that, but I did.

I went to buy tickets to the events as early as last year, and time and again was told nothing was set in stone yet. I checked the website for the Surf Ballroom, the host of the event, over and over. Nothing. I skip a few weeks, go back to check yesterday, and boom! the 50th Winter Dance Party was online.

And sold out.

I called the Ballroom today and found out there is a seperate event for that night, and I was placed on the notification list for that. I called the Chamber of Commerce, and they stated the only Buddy Holly events would be at the Surf.

So I'm probably screwed.

I've already hit Ebay and I've posted on Craigslist in Iowa, BUT . . if anyone in JLand lives in Iowa and has a spare ticket, or works in the music business, knows the owner of the Surf or whatever, PLEASE PLEASE let me know.

Backup plan: Lisa and I will go to the Tommy Allsup (sp?) concert at  Milwaukee's Eagle Ballroom on Jan 23rd. That'll be the 50th anniversary of a Buddy Holly concert on that very stage. [Tommy was in Buddy's band on that fateful tour.]

Then I'm thinking we could still, maybe, head out to Iowa and tour the Surf, which is considered a museum of rock 'n roll. Then in the cold of night we could mark the annivesary by making our way to the cornfield outside of town where the plane crashed..

I"m keeping my fingers crossed.

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Anonymous said...

Can't help you with tickets, but it sure sounds like a cool road trip!


Anonymous said...

Good luck.  I mean it.

Anonymous said...

Goodness you were busy keeping us up to date last night..Thank you.  well as you would be able to guess I always wish you luck in whatever you might be doing.  It seems to have worked as well with the shed, and the bairns getting back to school all looking so so happy LOL  !! the fingers crossed for the work situation x   Love as usual to you all  Sybil x

Anonymous said...

Keeping my fingers crossed for you.

Anonymous said...

I had the exact same thing happen to me, I have gone the past 2 years. I am still looking, let me know if you find anything and I will do the same. I book marked this page.