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Thursday, September 18, 2008

LuLu's speech evaluation which, oddly, becomes a chance to brag about her :)

For some time Lisa has been trying  to get LuLu into a speech therapy program with MPS (Milwaukee Public Schools). Last week we finally had a one on one evaluation at a local school. Because we couldn't find a sitter for Lump or Smiley I took LuLu to the appointment.

I'm sure the tests were no different than any other speech test given to a five year old. Her hearing tested fine, and she did a heck of a job identifying and vocalizing every object in a shoebox of junk they handed her. She had trouble with the word 'string', pronouncing it 'sta-wing', and some issues with 's' and 'r' but otherwise held her own.

Good news/bad news: from a preliminary opinion the instructor didn't think she needed speech therapy and said she'd outgrow her problems. There's a strong history of speech problems from both sides of the family (and of course Smiley can't talk) so maybe we're just hypersensitive on the subject, but I disagreed.

If it's enough so that an adult has difficulty understanding her, or a kid makes fun of her for it, then it's bad enough to spend an hour or two a week fixing it. We'll know one way or the other midway through October.

From the certainly good news department: LuLu, who is 5 years 3 months old tested at a comprehension level of 6 years, 8 months with a vocabulary of a 6 year old. The teacher said she was the first five year old to correctly ID all the items in that box and in the pictures presented to her; at times her answers were too specific and had to be scaled back so she would verbalize the general word they were looking to hear.


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Anonymous said...

Isn't raising kids an awesome experience?  I'd do it all again if I could go back.  Of course, I'd want to know what I know now and would do things a tad differently.
Hugs, Joyce

Anonymous said...

It's always good to have them confirm what you have known all along: your kids are way above average. Conversely, it's irksome when the authorities overlook an obvious problem by saying the child will grow out of it. People ought to listen to parents more often. <stepping away from the soap-box>

:^) Jan the Gryphon

Anonymous said...

I agree with Joyce would do it all over again knowing what I know now...and younger....'

I was told by many doctors not to worry about my weight, I will grow taller and thin out...

I'm still waiting to thin out LOL

Have a great day
