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Monday, September 29, 2008

Fairweather Fan???

When I was discussing the Brewers win yesterday someone called me a horrible name - a fairweather fan.

Yes I said that if the Brewers fell short this year I was through with them. I meant it too, and I don't apologize. Following a team year after year and spending each fall broken hearted might be all well and noble in Boston and Chicago, but to me it just stinks of masochism. You think that makes mea fairweather Brewers fan?

Tell that to the kid who carefully clipped a  Sixto Lezcano card from the back of a Hostess Cupcake box. Tell that to the kid who attended the '82 Brewers trading card giveaway and was confused to see 'Buck Rodgers' in the deck, thinking it was the same guy from the TV show. Tell it to the kid who was there for the '87 opener and some of Molly's streak that magical  year. Tell it to the adult who enjoyed the crap out of Phil Garner's first year here, who clapped in the upper deck until his hands ached when Robin Yount got his 3000th hit. Tell it to the sucker who remembers Yount's 'day' being very nearly ruined by a a horrendous Higuera outing, and who patiently wasted his money on tickets during the Bando years, and then the awful  Davy Lopes era. Tell it to the guy who chanted 'sweep' when Jerry Royster, Jerry 'F'ing' Royster took over the Brew Crew for a minute. Tell it to the guy who went to the Brewers fan fest to find out if Ritchie Sexson' future was still our own, and whose heart ached during the collapse of 2007.

I devoted 25 years to the Brewers losing efforts. That was enough, and either God knew that and granted me a reprieve out of love - or he just thought it funny to tempt me with the playoffs before dumping another quarter century of losses in my lap for shits and giggles - either way, we're in the playoffs and I remain loyal.

Fair weather fan my ass.

* * *

Eleven wins since coming over in July. Ten complete games, SEVEN in a Milwaukee uniform. An ERA under two in the NL and the unquestionable center of the Brewers. NL Cy Young? You betcha. My vote - if I had one - would go to CC Sabathia.

* * *

If you are unfamiliar with Bob Uecker's announcing, you're missing a lot. 'Get up! Get up! Get Outta Here!' Here's his home run call from Sunday (and an extended audio here):

* * *

Here's a picture of my kids as they waited for the Mets to lose:

Ugh. I've rotated it twice on photobucket but it just isn't 'taking'. Sorry.

Here's my reactions:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are a hoot.  I don't know when I've enjoyed an entry more.  ROFLMAO.
Hugs and good luck, Joyce