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Tuesday, September 23, 2008

On overdoing a bike trip and an update on my Mom

First things first. Yesterday I decided to use my bike to pick up Smiley from school. It's only a mile or so away (if that) and was an easy-peezy ride with the litle guy. Because of that success I nursed the idea of taking both LuLu and YaYa to their school [~ 2 to 3 miles away] via the bike trailer, and at 7:35 this morning I pulled the trigger and loaded 'em up.

Big booboo. Together they weigh 80 pounds, not Smiley's thirty-nine, and those extra forty pounds makes quite a difference. There also seems to be a dramatic discrepancy between the hills  I remembered being between here and the school and the number that actually exist. It was like freaking San Francisco out there.

On three different inclines I had to ask the girls to get out and walk while I caught my breath. I got them to school five minutes late and was holding back from heaving my breakfast. Not a ringing endorsement for the activity, to say the least.

Both girlsseemed thrilled with the novelty of it and were happy, but I felt like shooting myself. Not out of depression or disappointment - just to put myself out of my misery.

It took me 25 minutes to get there and a scant 10 to return.

Will I do it again? I think so, but it'll probably wait until next year when (hopefully) I'll be in better shape.

* * * *

My Mom is still in the hospital and not yet on the upswing. I'm told she'll need a stent (?) in her leg and a blood transfusion, but some antibodies in her blood, present since a difficult pregnancy with my sister C, precludes most donors. It's very confusing to me and so far I'm hearing it only second or third hand.For all I know she's A-OK and milking it for the free applesauce in the cafeteria, God willing.

I'm going to try and stop and see her sometime today to get the scoop and wish her well.



Anonymous said...

I don't know about the stent, but as for the transfusion and the antibody...the Rh factor is only one antigen that appears on red blood cells--there are many others, some common, some rare. Blood banks keep records of donors who are negative for these antigens, and if a particular type is needed, they can call them if they need to. They will usually just go in and check multiple units they have on hand. In a large city, most blood banks will work together to find a unit that can be given. I'm sure they'll find one for your mom!

As for the bike ride...I've done the same thing. I went too far, and by the time I got home, my legs were trembling so bad I could barely walk. Not a great feeling!


Anonymous said...

Well what an episode...I hope that you have recovered tonight..and that LuLu and YaYa don't expect you to repeat the episode tomorrow  LOL   Hope that you found your Mom a bit better.  Love Sybil xx

Anonymous said...

Looks like you need to work up to your school rides :o)  Hope you get a good report on your mom.

Anonymous said...

Love to read your blogs, every interesting....I'm sure that the girls loved the bike ride and were telling all their friends too....

I hope your mother is well...

My prays are with her,


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear encouraging words on your mom. Pray Jesus that she will continue to improve.

Keep up the good work with the bicycle. Next year this time, even though the girls will gain weight and you will lose some, you'll have all their friends envious as the ease of your pedi-cabbing them about.

;^) Jan the Gryphon

Anonymous said...

In regard to you're bicycle venture: We're all capable of more than we do, and sometimes do more than we are capable of.              DB